The EQIP Project is a collaboratory project between the University of Agder (UiA) (Coordinator), Makerere University (MAK) and University of Rwanda (UR) to review curricula, increase student and staff mobilities, and build capacity to produce graduates with access to international networks equipped with intercultural competencies and other 21st century skills.

The Focus is on internationalizing and transforming teaching and learning methods for educational sciences and ICT master study programmes that can produe professionals and faculty with the competence to revolutionalise education for future jobs.

The participating programmes are:

  1. Masters in Multimedia and Educational Technology (UiA)
  2. Masters in Instructional Design and Technology (Mak)
  3. Masters in Information systems (Mak)
  4. Masters in Education Curiculum and Instruction (UR)
  5. Masters in Software Engineering (UR)

Project Goals

The main goal of EQIP is to increase the employability of graduates through student and staff mobility, internationalisation of study programmes and promotion of transformative pedagogy.

Specific Goals

EQIP’s main goal shall be achieved through the following specific goals:

  1. Produce regionally and globally competitive graduates with an international mindset, sustainable livelihood and consciousness about gender balance, inclusivity and mutual respect.
  2. Transform curricula and educational methods for selected study programmes and courses at University of Agder (Norway), Makerere University (Uganda) and University of Rwanda in order to increase the employability of graduates.
  3. Increase faculty competence for developing and delivering flexible and engaging curricula relevant for the 21st Century global job market.
  4. Enable co-creation of knowledge and internationalisation of study programmes through a framework for mutual student mobility to undertake selected courses, work placements, field work and research within partner countries.
  5. Promote and implement transformative pedagogy through mutual staff mobility for the creation and delivery of joint courses and co-supervision of students’ projects so as to produce globally competitive graduates.

Key focus areas

  • Promotion of Transformative Pedagogy
  • Internationalisation of Study Programmes
  • Advancing Technology Enhanced Learning