Master students from UiA will be invited to undertake project work in Uganda and Rwanda fostering authentic learning and project-based learning in different social-cultural settings.

The candidate students will get exposure to and learn from real world global challenges through developing an understanding of varied contexts of use for educational technology solutions, developing alternative solutions, testing and evaluation of the proposed solutions to meet the requirements of the intended users.

EQIP will support students placed in educational technology entities in Uganda and Rwanda to ensure that the student’s work is inline with the coursework at UiA or study programmes in this project. Students will also be able to take relevant courses offered at Mak and UR with support of faculty at each university.

Courses will be selected from offerings on the Master Programme in Instructional Design and Technology (MIDT), Master of Software Engineering (MSE), Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (MECI) and the Master of Information Systems (MIS). The primary candidates for this student mobility are students on the Master programme in Multimedia and Educational Technology. However, since the students on the Master programme in ICT at UiA can also be interested to do projects in the area of Technology Enhanced Learning, there will also be possibilities for EQIP to recruit such students.

Students from UiA are expected to spend a maximum of 3 months at the host institution in the Global South.

Students from Uganda and Rwanda will travel to Norway for a period of 5 months each in order to experience transformative pedagogy practices and learn using state-of-the art technology. The emphasis will be on experiential learning and project based learning, which will also involve work placements as part of coursework requirements. The credits gained in Norway will be validated and considered for their home universities as the degree awarding institutions.

Even though Rwanda and Uganda are both part of the global south, their educational systems and economies are quite different. Therefore, students from each of the two countries would benefit from learning in a different environment on one hand, but also studying programmes that are not yet well established in one´s country.

Therefore, students from Rwanda will take courses within the MIDT and MIS programmes, whereas students from Uganda will take courses within the MACE and MSE. UR and Mak will contact business entities and public institutions for work placements related to technology enhanced teaching and learning, where students shall be placed for up to three months.

Key figures:

  • Up to Six (6) students from Norway will undertake part of their project coursework and master project thesis at Mak (3) and UR (3).
  • Up to Four (4) students from Norway will be placed for work in educational technology entities (private or public) in Uganda (2) and Rwanda (2)
  • Twenty six (26) students (13 from Mak and 13 from UR) will undertake part of their master courses and projects at UiA (min 20, max 30 ECTS)
  • Five (5) students from Mak will undertake master level courses at UR and work placements in Rwanda
  • Five (5) students from UR will undertake master level courses at Mak and work placement in Uganda
  • Ten (10) students (5 from Mak and 5 from UR) will undertake master research projects under joint supervision of the faculty at UiA, Mak and UR.